Tips, Hints, Links and Files
We have found these links and files to be of value, check them out.
These tips/hints are NOT necessarily endorsed by the club! Use your own judgement!
Useful Links
Excellent Tuning Guide for 95s & 65s by John Bert
Intro to the Racing Rules of Sailing for RC boats, thanks to John Bert
Winning the Windward Leg by Alan Donaldson
Finding the Favored End of the Starting Line
Some useful DF95 Tips, thanks to Alan Donaldson
Good explanation of advanced features of FlySky-I6 by Chris Waln
Video, Strategies, and Tactics at the Windward Mark by Rob Hill
DragonFlite 95 USA Class Owners Association
DF Racing World Information Site
Good DF95 building with good tuning tips at the end of it
How to make a magnetic hatch cover
Magnetic material to make magnetic hatch cover
Good Battery Article by John Bert
DragonFlite 95 Replacement Parts
Tuning ideas from South Africa (one person's opinion …)
Excellent Ken Read (Pesident of North Sails!) video on DF95 rig and trimming
Setting up FailSafe on the FlySky. ie: putting your boat in "park mode"
Soling Bow Bumpers can be purchased from Hans S Berger , 860-747-1254. Bow bumpers are mandatory. Sometime Augie or George will have them available
Below is a good article about using tactics in a fleet.